DexMOTS: Learning Contact-Rich Dexterous Manipulation in an Object-Centric Task Space with Differentiable Simulation

Krishnan Srinivasan1
Eric Heiden2
Ian Ng1
Jeannette Bohg1
Animesh Garg2,3,4

Stanford University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Vector Institute

Teaser figure.


Many everyday objects require the use of complex interactions that are challenging with robot manipulators, especially for contact-rich behaviors such as rotating a cap. We present a method where object object-centric motion trajectories are defined by a sequence of wrenches, enabling the agent these interactions efficiently in differentiable simulation environments. Our approach, DexMOTS, integrates task-specific information with a differentiable simulator to provide policy gradients which backpropagate through an environment dynamics model to efficiently learn a goal-conditioned controller. Concretely, the trajectory of object pose and wrench requirements gives the necessary information to handle varying friction or damping forces, such as in the case of a tightening screw cap, or when pushing against a spring-loaded lever. We develop a set of dexterous manipulation tasks controlling operable objects with joints of varying stiffnesses, shapes, and functional task requirements to highlight the benefits of our approach. % model-free and model-based methods. Then, we demonstrate how object-centric motion trajectories can be leveraged to learn dexterous motion policies for different hand morphologies. We empirically validate our method against a set of model-based and model-free RL baselines, and show that it achieves up to 40\% higher success rates on a suite of realistic contact-rich manipulation tasks.


Paper thumbnail.

Learning Contact-Rich Dexterous Manipulation in an Object-Centric Task Space with Differentiable Simulation

Krishnan Srinivasan, Eric Heiden, Ian Ng, Jeannette Bohg, and Animesh Garg
    title = {DexMOTS: Learning Contact-Rich Dexterous Manipulation in an Object-Centric Task Space with Differentiable Simulation},
    author = {Srinivasan, Krishnan and Heiden, Eric and Ng, Ian and Bohg, Jeannette and Garg, Animesh},
    booktitle = {In submission},
    year = {2024},


Demo Videos



Method Diagram

Model overview figure


This template was originally made by Phillip Isola and Richard Zhang for a colorful ECCV project. It was adapted to be mobile responsive by Jason Zhang for PHOSA. The code can be found here.